Chain Hoists and Come-a-Longs

Doug Gillis of Skyway Tool Center in Chico, CA poses for a photo with the new stock of American Power Pull chain hoists and come-a-longs that came in this week. American Power Pull makes really sturdy chain hoists and come-a-longs, tools that are used quite a bit in this rural and agricultural community in Northern California. Ranchers and farmers need to have sturdy tools that are going to last and they can’t afford the cost in down time to have cheap, shoddy chain hoists and come-a-longs on their trucks. You get stuck out in a field trying to work on a harvester or grain feeder and you simply cannot afford to waste hours of time having to drive back to town and get the tool you should have bought in the first place, so our ag buyers always get the best.


The buyer at Skyway Tool Center ordered these at the end of September and had been waiting anxiously to get these into stock for the winter months. Farmers and ranchers tend to come in to the store over the winter because that is when they have the time to assess what they will need for the upcoming planting season. Time is money in the ag business, so those with years of experience in ag tend to pre-plan their buying. Thats why Skyway Tool Center owner Doug Gillis says that he usually only sees the farmers and ranchers during the harvest season when something goes haywire. Gillis also says he is delighted to be of service to the farm community in the North Valley area of Northern California, because they are honest, decent, and down-to-earth customers and he considers himself lucky to get to work in a field in which he gets to be of service to them.

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