Construction Market Improving in California
The California construction market has seen an uptick in 2013 that has Californians hopeful that things will begin to roll again with the economy. Construction crews are beginning to get work again after a number of years of little or no projects available to them. Many building contractors and construction workers in California either found other lines of work, got on disability, or retired out during the recession that really got rolling in 2008.
Skyway Tool Center owner Sherry Gillis has seen a trend among the construction workers and other tool buyers this spring and summer. Most construction workers and contractors bought professional level tools in order to have reliable tools to work with on their building projects. Today, many professional end users are buying the rot gut cheapest tools they can find, because they have been off work for so long that they simply cannot afford to spend that extra amount needed to purchase a professional level tool. They either go to the low end tool store with throwaway tools – or they buy used tools.
It will be interesting to see whether this uptick in construction continues to progress in California in the next few years, but for now, there is a little bit of work. Lets hope the trend continues.
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